Why Chapter and Reel has to be different.

Why Chapter and Reel has to be different.

Lately, I’ve been researching ways to get Chapter & Reel out into the world. Advertising, promotions, outreach, there are so many options. But one thing became clear to me:

I don’t want to advertise on social media.

Social media, as it exists today, is exhausting. The constant cycle of negativity, misinformation, and outrage, it wears you down. It took me a long time to understand just how much mental and spiritual exhaustion comes with it. But once I did, I knew: Chapter & Reel has to be different. It has to stay different.

I want this space to be a refuge. A place where book lovers and movie lovers come together for something real, something joyful, something that isn’t shoved in your face by an algorithm designed to keep you scrolling.

I have seen firsthand how social media can erode connections. There were two people I once considered good friends until I started seeing them share memes attacking another group of people. It was easy to react, easy to argue, easy to fall into the cycle of trying to “correct” them. But instead of getting dragged into yet another fight, I chose to let them go. And that moment hit me harder than I expected.

It made me realize something: we don’t have to engage with the hate. We don’t have to buy into it.

More than ever, I believe we can connect with each other in a way that isn’t dictated by clicks, views, or engagement metrics. That’s why I don’t want to worry about traffic or algorithms. I want people to find Chapter & Reel on their own, maybe while searching for their favorite book, maybe by complete accident. Out of the millions of websites in the world, I hope this little page sparks something in someone’s life.

That’s the vision. That’s why this exists. And that’s why it has to be different.

Edit: After reflecting on everything I’ve said here, I think I may have just discovered or maybe even created Chapter & Reel’s mission statement.

This space isn’t just about books, movies, or the products inspired by them. It’s about offering something different, a place free from the noise, the hate, and the pressure to keep up with the algorithm. A place where stories bring people together instead of dividing them. Where joy, curiosity, and creativity can thrive without being drowned out.

Maybe that’s the heart of Chapter & Reel.

Maybe that’s the reason it has to exist.

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